In a Committee Report released by the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies, the subcommittee expressed concerns about the state of our Foreign Materiel Exploitation Labs. The report, which is tied to FY 2013 funding for construction, comes on the heels of a visit to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base by Subcommittee Chairman John Culberson (TX-7).

Culberson toured Wright-Patt and discussed the status of Foreign Materiel Exploitation facilities such as the National Air and Space Intelligence Center with Congressman Turner in October of 2011. Turner is Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, which has jurisdiction over NASIC and other space intelligence programs.

“Centers such as NASIC are critical to examining the capabilities of our enemies, which gives an edge to our warfighters. Their facilities should be up to the task at hand. I was glad to discuss this with Chairman Culberson at Wright-Patt. Bringing key Members of Congress like him to our community shows them the value of the work that the base does in support of our men and women in uniform,” said Turner.

Chairman Culberson’s Committee Report language states: “The Committee is alarmed that the facilities the Department of Defense has under its jurisdiction for serving multiple agencies on intelligence activities and assessing foreign assets to protect the United States and our allies have not been maintained over the years and funding for military construction is not being provided until the out years of budget submissions. Many of the labs are deteriorating or are in temporary facilities that do not have the adequate or appropriate security. These deplorable working conditions are hindering the personnel working in these facilities and could have an effect on national security. Therefore, the Committee urges the Deputy Under Secretary for Installation and Environment to assess these aging lab facilities, how they are prioritized for funding and request funding in earlier fiscal years.”

“Seeing Wright-Patt and its facilities first hand were integral to this committee report. In order to maintain the best equipped and prepared fighting force in the world, Centers like NASIC must have the right facilities. I thank Congressman Turner for his work on this issue and look forward to working with him on behalf of our men and women in uniform,” said Chairman Culberson.          

NOTE: The full committee report can be viewed here.


