WASHINGTON, D.C.  Today, Congressman Mike Turner (OH-10), head of the U.S. delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, and the U.S. delegation to NATO PA hosted leaders of the parliaments of NATO allies for the NATO Parliamentary Summit.

Click here or on the image above to view Chairman Turner’s introductory remarks.

“On behalf of the U.S. delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, I want to welcome you all and thank you for coming.

“This is an important time for us to come together not just because of the threats that we’re facing around the world but also because each of our nations is joining together as part of the NATO Summit. And as parliamentarians, we contribute to the overall policy debate and discussion.

“We’re going to have a very fruitful discussion here where we’ll get to hear from each of us, and I think this will help inform our debate and dialogue as we come together as the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

“In 1955, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly was created. David Hobbs, former Secretary General of the Assembly, used to say that if there wasn’t a NATO PA, NATO would have to create one. It is such an important function that we, as the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, come together to have a dialogue, inform our fellow parliamentarians, and discuss the ways in which we’re formulating policy that is essential to the overall policy formulations of NATO itself.

“I was very honored from 2014 to 2016 to serve as President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. I’m certainly very proud to introduce now the acting president of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, our former president, Gerry Connolly.

“I appreciate that he has, for a short period, taken the presidency as we approach the summit, where he’ll be able to represent us in addressing the NATO Summit.

“You heard last night that Secretary General Stoltenberg has been very committed to the relationship with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and ensuring that we have a voice at the summit in addition to a place at the table always with him.

“So, on behalf of the U.S. delegation, first off, let me welcome you, and then secondly, I want to also congratulate Gerry Connolly for his service both as past president and as current president.”
