Congressman Michael R. Turner announced that $58,600,000 in project funding for Wright-Patterson Air Force Base passed the House of Representatives.
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Congressman Michael R. Turner announced that $58,600,000 in project funding for Wright-Patterson Air Force Base passed the House of Representatives Friday afternoon by a vote of 415 to 3.  The Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2010, H.R. 3082, provides funding for three military construction projects at Wright-Patterson AFB.

“This funding is an investment in Wright-Patterson’s workforce and their mission to defend our homeland and support our men and women in uniform,” Rep. Turner said.  “In addition, these military construction projects will help to encourage job creation and economic growth across the Dayton region.”          
The projects included in the FY 2010 military construction appropriations bill are: 

This facility at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base will provide model time critical scenarios such as Middle East battlefield simulations.  This site will help with the development of tactics, techniques and procedures through the simulation of offensive and defensive cyberspace missions in a controlled environment.

This funding will provide for the renovation and construction of a new research laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The facility will house a new power and thermal research lab supporting research, development and the transition of advanced electrical power and thermal technologies for the F-22, Joint Strike Fighter and also future aircraft, spacecraft and directed energy weapon (DEW) systems.  This research lab will be housed in Wright-Patterson’s Center for Excellence for Power Technologies.  

3. REPLACE WEST RAMP, PHASE 2 - $10,600,000
This project will fund phase two of the construction project to replace the west ramp of taxiway pavement, provide taxiway edge lighting and blast deflectors for the ramp.  This project will support the 445th Airlift Wing’s C-5 Aircraft which will include expanded runways for the aircraft to taxi and warm up without interfering with the existing navigational aids.  

The FY 2010 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act now must be reconciled with the Senate version before it can be sent to the President for his signature.