Senior members of the House Armed Services Committee will be in Dayton, Ohio, later this week to participate in the inaugural United States Air, Trade and Technology Expo, an event which brings together domestic and foreign leaders in the military, civilian government, academia and industry in an effort to discuss issues affecting the aerospace industry.
Senior members of the House Armed Services Committee will be in Dayton,Ohio, later this week to participate in the inaugural United StatesAir, Trade and Technology Expo, an event which brings together domesticand foreign leaders in the military, civilian government, academia andindustry in an effort to discuss issues affecting the aerospaceindustry. Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA), the Ranking Member of the HouseArmed Services Committee, and Mike Turner, the top Republican on theHouse Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, are scheduled toparticipate in a breakfast and panel discussion on space situationalawareness on Saturday morning, July 18, 2009, beginning at 8:30 a.m. atthe Dayton Airport Expo Center. Lt. General Larry James, who commandsthe U.S. Air Force Command’s 14th Air Force and the U.S. StrategicCommand’s Joint Functional Component Command for Space, is alsoscheduled to participate.
“I’m looking forward to joining my friend and colleague, Mike Turner,in the birthplace of aviation for a series of great discussionssurrounding the aerospace industry,” said Rep. Buck McKeon. “EveryAmerican is dependent upon space although most of us rarely stop toconsider this fact when we use the ATM or make a phone call. It is myhope that Saturday’s discussion will help build further awareness ofour dependence on space, the vulnerabilities of our commercial andmilitary space assets, and potential measures we must take to ensurethe continued viability of these tools.”
“I look forward to Ranking Member McKeon’s visit to Dayton where hewill experience first-hand the region’s rich aviation history andinnovative aerospace industry,” said Rep. Turner. “The inaugural UnitedStates Air, Trade and Technology Conference and Expo offers a domesticvenue to showcase our aeronautics innovations and aerospace technologyto the world. Saturday’s panel discussion will bring together a widerange of leaders in the aerospace community to discuss America’saviation and space future.”
The inaugural United States Air, Trade and Technology Expo 2009 (USATT)brings together domestic and foreign leaders in the military, civiliangovernment, academia and industry. USATT's goal is to addresschallenges and discuss issues across the aerospace industry. For moreinformation about the U.S. Air, Trade, and Technology Expo, pleasevisit the following link:
In addition to participating in the Expo, Ranking Member McKeon andRep. Turner will help honor the legendary astronauts of the Apolloprogram at the National Aviation Hall of Fame (NAHF) President’sReception and Dinner at the Air Force Museum on Friday, July 17, 2009.
Ranking Member McKeon and Rep. Turner also intend to receiveintelligence updates at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center(NASIC), discuss efforts in intelligence, surveillance, andreconnaissance (ISR) and space science and technology at the Air ForceResearch Lab (AFRL) and meet with leaders from Air Force MaterielCommand at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.