“Today’s ceremony marks the end of over a decade worth of work done by our community to ensure the complete cleanup of the Miamisburg Mound facility,” Rep. Turner said.
“Today’s ceremony marks the end of over a decade worth of work done by our community to ensure the complete cleanup of the Miamisburg Mound facility,” Rep. Turner said. “Our community’s efforts are seen nationwide as a model for the restoration of a contaminated nuclear weapons facility. I look forward to continuing to work with the community on the next step: redeveloping the mound site into a leading center of clean energy research and development, and an economic engine for the Dayton region.” In 2005, with the support of Rep. Dave Hobson (R-OH), the former Ranking Member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, Rep. Turner secured $30 million in federal funds for the cleanup of OU-1 site at the Miamisburg Mound. As the Representative of the Third Congressional District, Congressman Turner has secured over $39 million for the Miamisburg Mound remediation project, including over one million dollars to assist the transition of the current site into viable property for economic development.
In May, Congressman Turner sent a letter to Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, advocating the Mound site be place under the new Department of Energy (DoE) “energy park initiative,” established in this year’s FY2011 National Defense Authorization Act. The energy park initiative facilitates collaborative partnerships with State and local governments, the private sector, and community reuse organizations in efforts to promote energy security, environmental sustainability, economic competitiveness, and energy sector jobs at former defense nuclear sites.