We have shown the world that if you seek to harm Americans – we will pursue you, and justice will be served. No matter how long it takes or how great the effort.
By Congressman Michael TurnerLate Sunday evening, President Obama announced from the White House that U.S. Navy SEALs had located and killed Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden had been the most wanted person in the world, and the search for him has spanned three presidencies. This has been an effort tirelessly pursued by our service members, intelligence community, and law enforcement. Their work deserves nothing but the highest praise.
For years, Osama bin Laden has planned and undertaken missions which have resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians. Americans will never forget the attacks of September 11 but bin Laden’s victims were not limited to the United States. Christians, Muslims, and Jews alike have been targeted by this cold blooded murderer. Furthermore, he sought out both military and civilian targets; whether it was the 1998 Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, the 2000 USS Cole bombing, or the attacks of September 11th, 2001. Let us never forget the lives that were lost at his hands. Their memories live on in the hearts and minds of their families, and continue to be honored each and every day.
The bravery that followed in response to those attacks was nothing short of inspirational. We witnessed first responders rushing into burning buildings, and then working for days on end to find survivors. We also saw Americans inspired by the attacks volunteer to serve in our nation’s armed forces. They knew full well that they would be joining the fight against terror in earnest. Today, those men and women are bravely serving on the front lines around the globe, preserving freedom and democracy.
With the elimination of Osama bin Laden comes the closure of one chapter in this fight. We have shown the world that if you seek to harm Americans – we will pursue you, and justice will be served. No matter how long it takes or how great the effort. That continues today. The intelligence gathered at bin Laden’s compound is sure to reveal a treasure trove of new information about Al-Qaeda. Many elements of this terror network and its affiliates remain active, and the number two leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri is still at large. Our service members and intelligence community continue their vigilance and are working to bring these individuals to justice as well.
When this nation was founded, our forefathers knew that freedom and liberty are things to be guarded and preserved for future generations. Much like our original fight against tyranny, the fight against terror is an enduring cause. We are fortunate to have the support of our allies around the globe in this fight. Together, we will defeat Al-Qaeda and make this world a safer place.