“Based on briefings that have been provided to the House Armed Services Committee (HASC), the Administration’s intention to sign the U.S. up for a EU Code of Conduct-type space arms control regime would have far reaching consequences. Furthermore, the end goals of this announcement are murky at best.
“I’m deeply concerned that while the Administration claims the Code is non-binding, analysis provided to the HASC by the Joint Staff makes clear that impacts on military operations in space will be anything but. The same impacts could very well apply to our Intelligence Community. In addition, American commercial space superiority along with billions of dollars in investments and thousands of jobs could be at risk under the draft Code.
“These apparent impacts also suggest that, without Congressional approval, the President quite likely doesn’t have the authority to impose a Code of Conduct-type arms control arrangement on the United States.
“If the President thinks an arrangement like the Code of Conduct is in the interest of the United States, I urge him to work with the Congress to determine what it is he’s trying to accomplish and then seek Congressional approval on the merits.”