How Can I Help?

June 16, 2013

At a time when Americans can agree on little, our nation’s flag represents a refreshing point of unity.

Raised by U.S. Marines at Iwo Jima and American astronauts on the Moon, the American flag embodies a history and culture that makes us all proud.

The enduring presence of the Stars and Stripes at Ground Zero and the Pentagon immediately following the attacks of 9/11 sent a resounding message to friend and foe alike, that America would never capitulate to the forces of violence, intimidation and tyranny.

Given the high regard that Americans have for the flag, it is no surprise that of all the constituent requests my office receives, flag requests top the list.

On this Flag Day, I am glad to facilitate the process to order an American flag to be flown over the U.S. Capitol building in Washington D.C. -  whether you’re having the flag flown in honor of a relative, friend, organization or any event that you want to commemorate.

The flags come with a certificate signed by the Architect of the Capitol. The certificate can be personalized to reflect your occasion-although a limited number of words can be used.

Flags can be ordered online by credit card or by mail with exact cash. Click Here for More Information.

One of my most important duties as your elected Congressman is assist the members of our community by serving as a direct link to federal government agencies by helping constituents navigate the bureaucratic maze and find the answers they need.

I am glad to offer any assistance possible with a federal agency that you may need. I have full-time caseworkers with a number of years in experience who can serve as your point person.

Help with Federal Agencies
If you have Questions about Social Security benefits, veterans services, or federal loan programs my office can help. Click Here for More Information.

Help with Federal Grants
Did you know your organization or small business may be eligible for federal grants? Click Here for More Information.

Help with Education Loans
The U.S. Department of Education provides students and graduates with financial assistance information. Click Here for More Information.

Military Service Academy Nominations
For high school students interested in attending one of our military service academies my office can assist your student in obtaining a nomination for the United State Military, Naval, Air Force, Merchant Marine, and Coast Guard Academies. Click Here for More Information.

Congressional Internship Information
Are you a college or high school student interested in learning first-hand how the federal legislative branch operates? My office offers full-time internships throughout the year in Dayton and in our nation’s capital. Click Here for More Information.

Washington, D.C. Tours
Are you planning a trip to Washington D.C.? I am happy to arrange and assist in scheduling tour of the U.S. Capitol and other institutions throughout the region. Click Here for More Information.

If you are having a problem and there is a clear federal role, my office and staff may be able to help. If you have questions you can call my office in Dayton at (937) 225-2843. We are here to serve the citizens of Ohio’s Tenth District.

I consider it a privilege to serve the citizens of Ohio’s Tenth District. Thank you for entrusting me to be your advocate in Washington.