Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael Turner, Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces, announces $29.5M for the construction of a new Foreign Material Exploitation (FME) facility for the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) located on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.  

“Today’s announcement is a huge win for NASIC, Wright-Patt, and Dayton as it reaffirms our community's place as a national leader in foreign aerospace intelligence gathering and dissemination.

I authored language in the FY 2015 NDAA that demonstrated the urgent need for this new facility and encouraged the Air Force to move ahead with the project.

The work done by the men and women of NASIC is a key piece of the broader intelligence community and its success is vital to U.S. national security.

I look forward to continuing to work closely with NASIC, Air Force Leadership, and Wright Patterson Air Force Base to help facilitate the innovate and critically important work that will remain taking place in Dayton,” said Congressman Turner.