Washington, D.C.—Today, following reports that Israel’s Iron Dome Missile Defense System has allowed Israel to endure more than 1,000 rocket attacks fired by Hamas without a single fatality, Congressman Michael Turner (OH-10), Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces released the following statement:

“The Iron Dome system has drastically changed the dynamic in the recent fight between Israel and Hamas, allowing Israel to successfully defended itself from over 1,000 relentless rocket attacks without a single fatality.

I am proud to have a longstanding commitment to Israel’s air and missile defense systems. During my tenure as Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, my subcommittee provided over $600 million to the Iron Dome short-range rocket defense system,” said Congressman Turner. 

While the exact percentage rate of successful intercepts by Iron Dome remains classified, the system has intercepted the overwhelming majority of rockets targeted for populated areas in Israel. According to reports by Israel Defense Forces (IDF), well over 160 rockets have been intercepted since this latest conflict first began.

“The continued success of the Iron Dome Missile Defense System underscores the imperative of our continued partnership with Israel. The strength of the U.S.-Israel relationship is clearly demonstrated by the collaborative effort to successfully develop and field the Iron Dome system,” said Congressman Turner.

To date, the House Armed Services Committee has authorized roughly $720 million for the development of Iron Dome. For FY15, President Obama has requested $176 million for the program. In response to a request for additional funding made by the Government of Israel, the House has passed language in the National Defense Authorization Act that would provide $351 million in FY15, an increase of roughly $175 million over the President’s request.

“I continue to strongly support the House’s position on the Iron Dome Missile Defense System and am committed to working with my colleagues in the Senate to ensure the system remains fully funded

The nation of Israel and its people have my full support as they withstand these most recent terrorist attacks," said Congressman Turner. 
