WASHINGTON, DC –Today, Representatives Mike Turner (R-OH), Niki Tsongas (D-MA) and Louise Slaughter (D-NY) released the following bipartisan, joint statement urging the Senate and Ash Carter to prioritize military sexual assault prevention during the Secretary of Defense nominee’s confirmation hearing, which begins today.
“Over the last several years, prompted by historic, bipartisan legislation, the military has made substantial efforts to combat military sexual assault and provide important resources to survivors. Secretary Hagel showed a willingness to work with Congress on this issue and took steps to change the military culture that has allowed these crimes to occur for too long. But there is much more work to be done and both parties in the House continue to be focused on addressing military sexual assault.
“As Ash Carter’s confirmation hearing begins this week, we hope the Senate shares our bipartisan will and pushes Mr. Carter on military sexual assault prevention. We urge Mr. Carter to prioritize military sexual assault and look forward to hearing his plan for supporting survivors and further preventing these heinous crimes. We intend to continue working together and with all our colleagues on both sides of the aisle to maintain pressure on the Department of Defense and the Secretary of Defense so that further progress is made on this critical national security issue.”