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Congressman Turner testified in support of his bill, H.R. 2817, the National Historic Preservation Amendments Act before the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Federal Lands on Wednesday during their legislative hearing.
“For nearly forty years, the Historic Preservation Fund has served as an incredibly valuable tool for states and communities across the country in carrying out historic preservation programs. For example, it was utilized in Dayton to help establish the Wright-Dunbar Village Historic District. I urge the Natural Resources Committee to take action on H.R. 2817 and reauthorize this program that is so vital to the state, local, and tribal historic preservation programs throughout the United States.”
The National Trust for Historic Preservation was supportive of Congressman Turner’s testimony and work on this issue:
“The Historic Preservation Fund has made possible the documentation, preservation and operation of America’s historic sites that tell our nation’s story, while also spurring job creation and community revitalization. We applaud the bi-partisan leadership of Rep. Michael Turner (R-OH) and Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) in co-sponsoring legislation to re-authorize the Fund and advocating for its passage in Congress.”
Elizabeth Hughes, President of the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers was encouraged by Congressman Turner’s statements today, saying:
“I want to thank Congressman Turner for recognizing that historic preservation projects facilitated by the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) are about much more than preserving places and saving buildings. They are about revitalizing cities and towns, like Dayton. When he was mayor of Dayton during the 1990s, Congressman Turner learned firsthand that historic preservation projects do something that simply building new homes, office buildings and stores can never do. They tell the stories of our communities. They tell us about where we have come from and they point us toward where we are going. We appreciate Congressman Turner’s leadership in the effort to reauthorize the HPF.”