Today, Congressman Turner (OH-10) issued the following statement on the Biden Administration’s decision to restart negotiations with Iran regarding the Iran nuclear deal:

“I’m disappointed that the Biden Administration has already ceded critical ground by signaling their intention to reenter the Iran nuclear deal. The JCPOA is a significantly flawed agreement where major provisions are set to expire, and the Biden Administration should not reenter into negotiations with Iran without securing permanent prohibitions on Iran nuclear ambitions. I will continue calling on the Biden administration to take a bipartisan approach that strengthens regional and international security.” 

Dayton, Ohio: On Tuesday January 26th, Congressman Mike Turner joined Dayton manufacturer Materials Resources LLC, (MRL), to tour newly expanded areas of their Greene County, Ohio location due to the release of their TiPolar microscope. This advancement resulted in the hiring of 22 new employees in 2020 and will create at least 10 new jobs this year as MRL doubles their foot print to 28,000 sq ft. 

MRL received a federal loan over the summer through the Paycheck Protection Program funded by the CARES Act, which Congressman Turner voted to support. This loan helped MRL retain their workforce.

In announcing the expansion and new jobs, Dr. Ayman Salem, CEO of MRL stated:

“We are honored to have Congressman Turner visit MRL, celebrate the release of our optical microscope for orientation imaging (TiPolar) for inspecting aerospace titanium which will benefit the Air Force and the whole aerospace supply chain,” said Salem. “Congressman Turner is one of Congress' strongest supporters of WPAFB and small businesses. We appreciate his interest in the expansion of MRL’s additive manufacturing facilities and his support for small businesses in Dayton.”  

Congressman Turner, who toured the new expansions and joined MRL in their announcement, stated:

“Today I joined Materials Resources, LLC (MRL) to commemorate the release of new imaging capabilities that will both advance aerospace technology and support our local economy. In a time when small businesses have been hard hit by the pandemic, I’m grateful that coronavirus relief legislation that I supported allowed MRL to retain their workforce, and in doing so, helped secure their expansion and new jobs in our community,” said Turner. “In Congress, I’ll continue working to support all of our community’s small businesses and defense contractors.”

Congressman Turner currently serves as the Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, where he has jurisdiction over the nation’s nuclear arsenal, the Department of Defense’s intelligence programs, and our missile defense systems.

Congressman Turner voted for the CARES ACT which contained the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), as well as extensions of PPP loans in subsequent relief packages such as The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSSA).

About MRL:

Founded in 2009, Materials Resources LLC focuses on metallic additively manufactured material. The company has been working with the Department of Defenses (DoD) and the Department of Energy (DoE) on over 30 contracts related to improving additive manufacturing processes. During the coronavirus outbreak, MRL Medical, a spinoff of Dayton-based tech firm Materials Resources LLC, began manufacturing face shields for first responders.

The TiPolar project is currently funded by a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program through Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR). The TiPolar machine can inspect aerospace titanium components at ½ micron resolution and as fast as 200,000 pixels per esecond.