DAYTON, OHIO – Today, Congressman Mike Turner (OH-10) announced that $480,000 in federal funds has been awarded to the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC) to improve safety and help prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries. The MVRPC, which is in Turners district, was allocated funds under the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Fiscal Year 2023 Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program.

In July 2023, Congressman Turner penned a letter to Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg expressing his support for the MVRPC’s grant application for the SS4A program. The MVRPC plans to use these funds to implement its Toward Zero Safety Action Plan, a comprehensive road safety strategy focused on reducing fatalities and crashes.

“The MVRPC’s Toward Zero Safety Action Plan is a noble effort to increase safety for all road users in our community, and I am pleased that they have received federal funding to carry out this important mission,” said Congressman Mike Turner. “The development and implementation of this plan will enhance the safety of our roads, reduce crashes for Southwest Ohio residents, and ensure that everyone in the Miami Valley Region has access to safe transportation options, regardless of their socioeconomic status.”

FY23 Safe Streets and Roads for All Program Grant Awards:

Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission: $480,000


The Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary program is administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and supports the DOT’s National Roadway Safety Strategy. The grants are used to fund regional, local, and Tribal initiatives to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries.
