December 2017
Date | Title |
12/11/17 | TURNER and Moulton 'Concerned' by DoD Opioid Loophole |
12/10/17 | TURNER and Davis Work to Save Higher Education Benefits |
November 2017
Date | Title |
11/15/17 | TURNER Keeps NAHF in Ohio |
11/14/17 | TURNER Urges Support of FY18 NDAA Conference Report |
11/14/17 | TURNER Congratulates Dayton VA Director Costie on Retirement |
11/7/17 | TURNER and Tsongas on Air Force Reporting Failures |
11/1/17 | TURNER ‘Deeply Concerned’ by UAW at Fuyao |
October 2017
Date | Title |
10/26/17 | TURNER on Opioid Emergency |
10/24/17 | TURNER Asks Whaley for Detailed Plan on Mismanagement of HOME Funds |
10/23/17 | TURNER Brings Thornberry to Wright-Patt |