September 2017
Date | Title |
9/20/17 | TURNER Helps Secure Funding to Combat Opioid Epidemic in Southwest Ohio |
9/19/17 | TURNER and Banks Visit WPAFB |
9/14/17 | TURNER & Historic Preservation Caucus Amendment Passes House |
August 2017
Date | Title |
8/30/17 | TURNER Receives Chamber Award |
8/20/17 | TURNER on Afghanistan |
8/18/17 | TURNER Presents Congressional Medal to Area Students |
8/16/17 | TURNER Visits RTA |
8/15/17 | TURNER Thanks Infant Cuddler Program Volunteers |
8/8/17 | TURNER to China: ‘Step Up to the Plate’ on North Korea |
8/7/17 | TURNER TREAT Act Concept Supported by POTUS Commission |