Commonly Asked Questions

  • How can I learn about the rules for satellite television subscribers who want to receive network broadcast stations? 
    • The Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act of 1999 set many new rules for satellite companies, local network television stations, and consumers. Most importantly, it created a procedure for how satellite customers could apply for a waiver from their local television stations. Without this waiver, the satellite companies cannot let a customer have network television signals from other cities. 
    • Learn more about television broadcast stations on satellite
  • Is it true that there is a petition pending to get rid of religious broadcasting? 
    • No, it is not true. However, the rumor has been around since about 1975, and congressional offices are still hearing from citizens every month who are worried about this alleged petition. 
    • In addition, it is important to note that the FCC does not have the authority to prohibit television and radio stations from broadcasting religious programs. 
    • Read more information on this issue
  • How do I file a complaint with the FCC? 

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